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For the child of all ages, young and old, The Land Called Hope is a story of courage, forgiveness, and gratitude. It promotes faith in the Spirit of Love. It encourages the fostering of our human potential for living in harmonious relationships: facing fear with bravery, addressing adversities with an intentional awareness of our interdependence, and touching human pain with kindness. The author is led by the premise that, as humans, we have much in common, including an ability to live mindfully, restoring from any human pain/wounds while creating no harm to others. The Land Called Hope does not claim knowing the absolute truth of the universe. Yet, it invites the reader to consider loving kindness as a source of inner and outer peace and harmony. 

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Expressions of a Soul: Poems, Letters, Dreams, and Prayers relies on various forms of writing to encourage a visual landscape of images revealing a number of life lessons and experiences, including: reverencing the complexity of identities while navigating through the intersectionality between human adversities and restoration – human pain and joy; honoring the wisdom often unwrapped in the sacredness of dreams; and mindfully relying on the power of devotion and unbounded ongoing curiosity. Expressions of a Soul provides the reader with opportunities to internally journey while being exposed to the notion of diverse forms of reality likely to stimulate spirited questions, questions that, while being explored, could foster additional awareness of the reader’s perspectives regarding their own distinctive experiences.

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Optimizing Existence: Navigating the Mundane and the Mystical offers readers an opportunity to explore intricate landscapes of human existence through a non-conventional perspective. Life is a dynamic journey where we can embrace the cosmic interconnectedness that unites all things while navigating the diverse aspects of earthly life. Living our everyday lives within the mystery of life, balancing the imminent and the transcendent, can foster deeper self-awareness, enabling us to recognize and embrace our true selves.

From our connection to everyday life to our connection with all that is, the material in Optimizing Existence explores topics such as the complexities of emotional and cognitive experiences, relational dynamics, personal power, change, and transformation, as well as intuition, societal constructs, perceptions of reality, notions of truth, myth, human evolution, and the mysteries of consciousness. The chapters, which can be read independently, are a journey through the complexities of the human experience with an overarching theme of optimizing our existence.

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Pathways of Intentionality: Breaking Open into the Vastness of Devotion provides the reader with an opportunity to explore diverse narratives filled with experiences of fear and bravery, sorrow and joy, despair and hope, illness and wellness, reflection and action, death and birth, trauma and wellness, and ultimately stories that reflect living with intentionality; a conscious purpose to embrace moments of gratitude and forgiveness as well as tools, approaches, and rituals that have permitted the unfolding of conscious interactions and relationships with self and others. Pathways of Intentionality is not a book to promote sameness in our human encounters or stories. It is not a book to show people how to become "spiritual," as the writers presume that all humans are already spiritual beings. 


The narratives shared in this book do not have the intention to tell others how to live or promote the notion of a "perfect" life, but rather to inspire the reader with life stories that have been powerfully experienced and are now vulnerably shared.The overall objective of this manuscript is to provide readers with an opportunity to journey with the writers while participating in moments of self-reflection regarding their own lives. We, the authors, are led by the premise that as humans we have much in common. Sharing of our stories with one another can become a pathway toward on-going wellness and living through the power of intentionality. While our stories are a moving target, we rely on the power of intentionality to guide our constant development of awareness that can foster on-going active engagements. 


As writers, we understand that stories are constantly in a process of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction. Yet, at any given time, stories demonstrate the magic of our journeys. We hope that our stories become an encouragement for you, as the reader, to continue journeying into your own heart. We express gratitude for your willingness to journey together with us as we all continue to live, learn, laugh, and love!


The Devil’s Yoga is a raw and powerful manuscript about a woman’s travel through a struggle of entrapment and into a journey of liberation. While the content in this manuscript may not be universal, it reflects the voices of many who have experienced the complexities of: both the light and shadow sides of plant medicines; sorcerers disguised as shamans, and; healing centers which give priority to profits over human beings.   


It is imperative to know the light and dark sides of plant medicine ceremonies because false-shamans who engage in energetic manipulation, shamanic sorcery, and sexual predation do exist. These terms might sound extreme to many who have experienced miraculous healings using plant medicines such as ayahuasca. Yet, more and more information has been uncovered about the shadow side of sacred ceremonies. This book reveals some of the complexity of these dark undercurrents through the telling of one woman’s personal experience and spiritual restoration. 


In The Devil’s Yoga, the author navigates with the power of vulnerability. Writing this manuscript has been very healing for her, and it is her intent that it serves as a beacon of light for others who have encountered similar experiences and continue in their process of recovery. As well, she wishes those new to working with shamans and plant medicine might explore with greater awareness. Trust and betrayal, awareness and denial, resistance and persistence, entrapment and freedom, enchantments and breakthroughs, mental programming and decoding, and fear and love are among the areas addressed in The Devil’s Yoga. 


The narrative articulated in this book serves as a conduit of transformative energy. It encourages a discussion intended to promote information beneficial for the healing of planetary wounds. We all have a story to share. Through the relating of our challenges and triumphs, together we live, learn, laugh, and love. It is the author’s prayer that ultimately, we all rely on the medicine of Love.

Available in Spanish 


El Yoga del Diablo: La Devastadora Intersección de las Plantas Medicinales con la Hechicería Chamánica


El Yoga del Diablo es un manuscrito crudo y poderoso sobre el viaje de una mujer a través de la lucha con el engaño y hacia el camino de la liberación. Si bien el contenido de este manuscrito puede no ser universal, refleja las voces de muchos que han experimentado las complejidades de: la luz y la oscuridad de las plantas medicinales; hechiceros disfrazados de chamanes, y; centros de sanación que dan prioridad a las ganancias sobre los seres humanos. Es imperativo conocer los lados de luz y oscuridad de las ceremonias con plantas medicinal porque existen falsos chamanes que se dedican a la manipulación energética, la hechicería chamánica y la depredación sexual. Estos términos pueden sonar extremos para muchas personas que hayan experimentado curaciones milagrosas usando plantas medicinales como la ayahuasca. Sin embargo, cada vez se descubre más información sobre el lado oscuro de las ceremonias sagradas. La narración fomenta una discusión destinada a promover información beneficiosa para la curación de heridas planetarias.




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Journey into the Heart of Remembrance mirrors a person’s inner travels into what can be referred to as the “Heart of hearts,” a core union with all existence. Journey into the Heart of Remembrance was written with the understanding that many of the specific experiences reflected in the content may not be universal, at least not consciously; however, these experiences reflect many voices. Love and fear, peace and conflict, gratitude and forgiveness, adversity and resilience, hate and compassion, denial and acceptance, personal and professional, oneness and sense of separation, resistance and surrender, attention and intention, being and becoming, pain and healing are among the encounters explored in Journey into the Heart of Remembrance. As the author, I trust that familiarity with such occurrences is common within the context of human experiences. As a reader, you are being asked to use your mind as the tool, through the guidance of your innate spirit, as you travel these pages.

Journey into the Heart of Remembrance was written from the perspective of understanding the teachings of Stephen Levine, delightfully reflecting his words: “Like the sun is always shining, the heart is always open; the rest is just clouds.”  Thus, the heart is always ready to engage in the manifestations as expressed in “Love in Action: Writings on Non-Violent Social Change,” written by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. I have witnessed that the heart does not need to be healed. It is the source of healing itself.  

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In this manuscript, Kerry Jehanne delves into Gnostic myth, collective consciousness, notions of truth and the fabrication of collective truths, concepts of true and false gods, possible matrixes, historical perspectives versus mythology, the power of story, unity and duality, sacrifice and martyrdom, and human evolution. 

"I have been deep-diving into religion, spirituality, and energy for over 20 years now. And never have I come across a work that has resonated my existence so deeply. The thoughts and questions provoked by Kerry are truly expansive!! I continually use the book as a source of centering and bringing me back to pure consciousness. I have forever been blessed because of this work." Amazon review from Jara

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